रजिस्टर नं. 471 दिनांक- 26.09.2000
पता:- रबारी रायका समाज भवन,रेलवे स्टेशन पीछे,निर्मला छावनी,
हरिद्वार (उतराखंड)
- 01334-225212
वेब ब्लॉग पता www.abrsss.blogspot.com
दिनांक 2 अपरेल 1996 को देवासी नयाति नोहरा राईका बाग जोधपुर मे परम पूज्य 1008 महंत श्री कृष्णानाथजी शिवमंदिर रामगढ रसालिया खेङा तह फतेहाबाद जिला
सिरसा हरियाणा परम पुजय 1008 महंत श्री रामरघुनाथदासजी अखिल भारतीय राम राईका मंदिर पुष्कर परमपुजय 1008 महंत श्री भगवानदासजजी अरवाचिन रायण पीठ
पुषकर की शुभ निश्रा में
देवासी समाज का सम्मेलन आयोजित किया गया जिसमे संपूर्ण भारत से हरियाणा
पंजाब गुजरात व राजस्थान के मारवाङ मेवाङ सिरोही पाली जालोर जोधपुर से
हजारों की संख्या मे समाज बंधु उपस्थित थे। श्री
अनोपलाल जी गागंल वैध डुगंरपुर जिन्होंने अखिल भारतीय रायका महासभा का
संविधान तैयार किया व महामंत्री बने थे ।उन्होंने बताया कि रायका महासभा
का पंजीकरण नविनीकरण के अभाव मे खत्म हो चुका है। इससे पहले रायका महासभा के नाम से जाना जाता था। नवीन संस्था का अखिल भारतीय रबारी (राईका) समाज सेवा संस्थान उक्त नाम से गठन किया गया तथा सन 2000 मे सहारनपुर उतर प्रदेश से पंजीकरण करवाया गया।
सेवको की बदोलत राजस्थान व हरियाणा में निवास कर रहे रबारी राईका समाज
बंधुओ के घर से 100 रुपये व दो - तीन दाताओ के इकयावन हजार के चंदे के साथ
कुल रकम पच्चीस लाख पचास हजार एकत्रित किये गये जिसमें से साढ़े इक्कीस
लाख मे भवन खरीदा ढाइ लाख रजिस्ट्री के हुए तथा तीन लाख उगाई के वक्त व
दलाली व पंचो का खर्चा हुआ था सो डेढ लाख उधार लाकर काम चलाया था तथा उसमे से ओर मकान बनाने , उसकी मरम्मत के लिए तथा सुविधाओं को बढाने तथा
पुन:निर्माण के लिए गुजरात तथा महाराष्ट्र, कर्नाटक व आन्ध्रा में निवासी व
प्रवासी समाज बन्धुओ से चंदा इक्कठा किया गया । समाज सेवको की कठीन
मेहनत, सच्ची लगन तथा समाज बन्धुओ के सहयोग से आज तिन मंजीला भव्य सुशोभीत
भवन का निर्माण हुआ। जिसमे प्रतिवर्ष लगभग 60 से 70 हजार समाज बंधु
ठहरते है तथा धर्मशाला की सेवाओं का लाभ उठाते है।
देने वालो के सभी के नाम व पता धर्मशाला के रजिंस्टर में अंकीत है। तथा इन
सत्रह सालो में एक करोड के अन्य खर्चे हुये अभी संस्थान के पास 20 लाख
रूपये बचत के रूप में है। तथा संस्था की आर्थीक मदद समस्त रेबारी राईका
समाज से प्राप्त होती है।
धर्मशाला मेँ 500 से 700 यात्री एक साथ ठहरने की सुविधा है।
यात्रियों की गिनती के लिए रजिस्ट्रर रखा गया है जिसमे उनके नाम व पता दर्ज किये
जाते है। धर्मशाला में 1997 से निरन्तर ठहरने के साथ भोजन व चाय की
व्यवस्था नि:शुल्क उपलब्द करवायी जाती है।
बाकी जो यात्री ठहरते है वो अपनी इच्छा अनुसार रसीद कटवाकर दान भेंट कर सकते है। 5000 रूपये से लेकर ज्यादा दान दाताओं के नाम धर्मशाला
के बोर्ड पर अंकीत है। पदाधिकारीयों के संविधान के अनुसार चुनाव होते है
श्री खेमराज जी देसाई सर्व-सहमती से चोथी बार संस्थान के अध्यक्ष चुने गये
तथा संस्था के सुचारू संचालन हेतू चार पूर्णकालीन वेतनभोगी कर्मचारी व तीन
अंशकालीन कर्मचारी व दो मानद वेतन वाले बंधु सेवा दे रहे है। अध्यक्ष प्रति
2 माह मेँ एक बार संस्थान से सम्पर्क व दोरा करता है।हर वर्ष जेठ शुधि दसमी यानी गंगा दशहरा पर समाज का वार्षीक महासम्मेलन होता है ,जिसमे
पुरे भारतवर्ष के समाज बंधु भाग लेते है।
1 समाज में शिक्षा के प्रसार हेतु विधार्थी सम्मान समारोह का आयोजन
2 प्रतिभावान व आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर विद्यार्थियों को शिक्षा हेतु छात्रवृति।
3 विधार्थी मार्गदर्शन शिविर का आयोजन।
4 समाज में व्यापत कुरूतीया मिटाने हेतु जागृति अभियान।
5 समाज मेँ नशामुक्ति हेतु अभियान। 6 समाज के निष्क्रमणीय पशुपालकोँ को कठिनाई के समय मार्गदर्शन व सहयोग। 7 धार्मिक तीर्थ हरिद्धार में समाज बन्धुओ हेतु आवास निवास के अलावा भोजन की निशुल्क व्यवस्था सन् 1997 से निरन्तर।
8 समाज बंधुओँ को आध्यात्मिक मार्गदर्शन हेतु संतो के प्रवचन का आयोजन। 9 प्रत्येक राज्य व जिले तथा तहसिल पर एक ट्रस्टी मेंबर व लीडर की नियुक्ती। 10 संस्था का आय-व्यय का ब्योरा सन् 1997 से लेकर निरन्तर जारी।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए Click here यहाँ क्लिक करें। धन्यवाद
5 समाज मेँ नशामुक्ति हेतु अभियान। 6 समाज के निष्क्रमणीय पशुपालकोँ को कठिनाई के समय मार्गदर्शन व सहयोग। 7 धार्मिक तीर्थ हरिद्धार में समाज बन्धुओ हेतु आवास निवास के अलावा भोजन की निशुल्क व्यवस्था सन् 1997 से निरन्तर।
8 समाज बंधुओँ को आध्यात्मिक मार्गदर्शन हेतु संतो के प्रवचन का आयोजन। 9 प्रत्येक राज्य व जिले तथा तहसिल पर एक ट्रस्टी मेंबर व लीडर की नियुक्ती। 10 संस्था का आय-व्यय का ब्योरा सन् 1997 से लेकर निरन्तर जारी।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए Click here यहाँ क्लिक करें। धन्यवाद
About the community and their economic and education background:

Raika Education Charitable trust was registered on 30th June, 2003. Later the Trust was registered as a public charitable trust with Asst. commissioner Devsthan Dept under the Rajasthan Public Trust Act 1959 (Section 42) on 7th November 2003.
2.Separate bank account of the trust:
Separate bank account of RECT was opened on 29th oct, 2003 with UTI bank, Jaipur main branch. The account number is 010010100173148. In 2005, a scholarship scheme was launched by the trust and for that purpose a separate Scholarship account was opened on 30th may, 2005 with UTI bank, Jaipur branch having account number 010010100304689.
3.Exemption of Income tax under section 80 G and 12 (a) of IT Act, 1961:
It was decided to apply for income tax exemption for the income of the trust and its doners. RECT got the certificate for that purpose dated 21/6/06. RECT becomes first institution in Raika Society to get such certificates.
4.Audited Balance sheet:
To make all the accounts authenticated by a chartered accountant, trust decided to do audit of its income and expenditure accounts and balance sheets regularly.
5.Application for FCRA account:
Trust is going to apply for Foreign Contribution Regulation Act for the purpose of getting foreign donation. For that purpose prior approval of Home Ministry of Govt of India is required and after that registration under FCRA is necessary. Trust fulfils necessary requirements to become eligible for this type of registration and application will be made this month. Thus Raika Education charitable Trust is a modern and well managed institution and efforts are on to make it a big institution.
Thus Raika Education charitable Trust is a modern and well managed institution and efforts are on to make it a big institution.
1. To provide Hostel and residential facilities to the students and staff and also to provide library and reading room facilities and all other supportive activities.2. To establish, Maintain, Acquire, support, aid grant monetary aid to schools, colleges, training institutes.
3. To Grant loan with or without interest. Monetary assistance to students for studies in schools, colleges or education aids (material) to the students.
4. To subscribe for books, Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals and other books for advancement of education.
5. To establish, take over, acquire, any property or running educational, medical and welfare institutions, conduct, maintain, administer, promote, organize and carry on such programs, schemes, including agricultural and research related educational works and activities for the benefits of all people.
6. To establish, take over, manage, maintain and dispose off colleges, hostels, boarding house and allied and similar institutions.
7. To promote, Maintain, control, conduct, support or subscribe to any societies, trusts, associations, institutions or govt and semi govt centres having similar objects of this trust or otherwise deemed beneficial to this trust.
8. To Train, provide and maintain the personnel thereof with or without remuneration including congregation members and all other things necessary to carry out objects of the trust and in accordance with canon law and other codes of government.
9. To establish, maintain, take over, manage and maintain formal, non formal, vocational, individual development training centres.
Riaka Education Society USA (A Non Profit Organization)
About Us
Raika Education Society USA (RESU) is a
Charitable Organization. It is duly registered, in October 2010, with
state and IRS for tax exemption. All contributions to RESU are tax
deductable for donors.
Separate Bank Account is opened for RESU in November of 2010. Transparent accounting and text filing will be per IRS regulation.
The current board members are Dr. Bhati, Savdharias, and Mr. S. Parikh. All Board and RESU officers are volunteers. Board members are not paid for their time and services.
Who are the Motivators?Separate Bank Account is opened for RESU in November of 2010. Transparent accounting and text filing will be per IRS regulation.
The current board members are Dr. Bhati, Savdharias, and Mr. S. Parikh. All Board and RESU officers are volunteers. Board members are not paid for their time and services.
1.Dr. Dev Kalyan Bhati: He always thinks about educational development of the society. He motivated educated Raikas in India to establish “Raika Education Charitable Trust”, known and grown as “RECT”. He is also one of the main donors for this trust and hostel project.
2.Late Nathalal Ratnabhai Savdharia(1903-1954): Born in a small village, could not go to university. However, his aspiration and accomplishment for education were commendable in short life. He gave financial aid to many economically disadvantage students. In late 1930’s, he was instrumental in establishing Bharatiya Raika Mondal and Rabari Boarding School. Later in 1945, he established a charity trust named “Rabari Kelavani (Education) Fund”.
Our Mission
Inspire and support students of disadvantage community for higher education.
The sole purposes of this organization are to provide:
1. Scholarships to needy and talented students.
2. In future, help to operate/built schools/hostels.
The sole purposes of this organization are to provide:
1. Scholarships to needy and talented students.
2. In future, help to operate/built schools/hostels.
Award of Educational Scholarships
Scholarships will be awarded to students
pursuing BS or MS or PHD at approved universities/colleges. Direct
payments for tuition fees to the institution will ensure to government
and donors that funds are used only for exempt purpose. RESU will
monitor student’s progress and ensure that exempt purpose is met.
Disadvantage Communities
Most of the minority communities have
inherent economical and social disadvantages i.e. they are caught in
vicious circle; lack of financial resources for education, living in
villages, child labor, and no opportunity to uplift family. Raika is one
of the disadvantage communities.
There are several organizations helping in abolishing illiteracy. However, there are very few charity organization which Raikas can access for higher education.
Most of Raikas (also known as rabari, devasi, desai) students in India are in economically disadvantage communities. The young members, especially girls, are not getting opportunity to progress. A few Raikas came to USA in 60’s and 70’ for study and more relatives joined in last three decades. It is a tiny minority in USA. Relatively, they have progressed well and provided excellent education to their children.
There are several organizations helping in abolishing illiteracy. However, there are very few charity organization which Raikas can access for higher education.
Most of Raikas (also known as rabari, devasi, desai) students in India are in economically disadvantage communities. The young members, especially girls, are not getting opportunity to progress. A few Raikas came to USA in 60’s and 70’ for study and more relatives joined in last three decades. It is a tiny minority in USA. Relatively, they have progressed well and provided excellent education to their children.
RESU’s Appeal
This young organization will appreciate
your participation for a good cause. Please provide your feedback,
suggestion, volunteer work, and financial help (no donation is too
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